When I have a client that knows how to dress fashionably for the crummy weather we're currently being subjected to...one just has to rip through a few frames.
So...Here's Lindsay. 29ยบ and freezing rain. Old timey kind of mood all done with ambient light.
ps Don't forget...make comments and the winner get's a coffee gift card! Lindsey Griffin was last weeks's caffeination.
My only comment is that this girl is HOT. I love how her eyes look in this picture.
Awesome capture... I love the depth of field in the shot which ultimately brings focus on the subject. She is stunning and the vignette brings warmth to a frigid shot (lol for what its worth). She could pull off a spy or special agent in this shot. All in all I DIGS IT!!
Beautiful shot, beautiful model. Great work as always Chuck. You are amazingly talented.
Great work! Love all of your work. I found you on Model Mayheim. I'm also a photographer and love to travel. Maybe I'll see you around. If the free coffee card offer for commenting is still valid I would like to win :)
Love old "looking", brick bldgs. and your work is amazing - I gravitate to old tin roof bldgs. and brick bldgs from old towns. There's one called Wetumpka Ice here that you would love-even has the old truck out front--now my daughter has caught the camera "bug" - My daughter is very interested in getting a portfolio but she's only 17- Let us know what's too early to get her into modeling some time if you have a moment. TY, Denise
Well Denise...I hope you come back to read my response. You didn't leave me any contact information so I hope you'll provide me with a way to contact you. My direct email address is: chuckstjohn@mac.com
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