Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Freezing Rain

When I have a client that knows how to dress fashionably for the crummy weather we're currently being subjected just has to rip through a few frames.

So...Here's Lindsay. 29ยบ and freezing rain. Old timey kind of mood all done with ambient light.


ps Don't forget...make comments and the winner get's a coffee gift card! Lindsey Griffin was last weeks's caffeination.

Friday, December 3, 2010

It's all about coffee (well, it's marketing really)

Ok.been a while. My Bad.

I was sitting around trying to think of how to get some people to make comments on my blog. I was sippin a cuppa joe at Urban Standard here in the Magic City and I figured, if I could reach out and say, "Read my blog and I'll share a coffee with you.", maybe I'll get some hits here., here's the deal. Every time I get responses on the blog (nice ones, I hope), and if there are multiple responses, I'll write your email address on a slip of paper (you need to give it to me for this to work). I'll drop them into my University of South Florida ball cap, mix 'em up and pull out a winner. I'll send that person a card from Starbucks for a free cuppa coffee.

Hope you like this idea. Any others are welcome
